N.O.W.T - Post-Jam Patch + HTML Build

Heya! This new version contains several things I wanted to implement, but didn't have time to do so beforehand. This also includes bugfixes.

Also, all you reasonable people can enjoy a browser build now! I couldn't figure out how to do it before I submitted my game to the jam, so it was a windows-exclusive game at the time.

Anywho, enjoy. Go nuts.


  • Added a new area, the "Lowest Exterior"
  • Added controller prompts to boot-up sequences
  • Added button prompts for interactable objects
  • Added two new systems
  • Added Score
  • Added Modifiers that act as multipliers to your Score - can be set at the start of a run (Modifiers can be unlocked with score)
  • Made changes to existing areas to make platforming easier & more consistent
  • Added vents around the map that serve as shortcuts to certain areas. You must be crouching to enter a vent
  • Slowed down the temperature decrease in the left & right shins
  • Cleaned up previously sloppy code
  • Added an animation for repairing systems
  • Cleaned up rougher visuals in certain areas
  • Updated interactable object prompts to not be rotated in rotated rooms
  • Fixed the incorrect spelling of "Protocol" in the boot-up sequences
  • Added ability to hallucinate systems being down when below a certain oxygen level
  • Changed how player moves on slopes for better control
  • Made systems that affect stats not change that stat while being repaired
  • Changed stats of all systems to make gameplay feel more balanced
  • Cleaned up gaps in background elements
  • Added small warning at the start of game for flashing lights + loud audio
  • Added settings to boot-up screens


  • Fixed temperature not changing after leaving a hot / cold room
  • Fixed oxygen not draining after an oxygen-related system dies
  • Fixed the left & right shins rotating instantly
  • Fixed the heating system being displayed as located in the chest instead of the torso
  • Fixed stuttering on camera volumes when re-entering a room
  • Fixed player being teleported out of bounds when entering a room the moment it rotates

Get N.O.W.T

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